da buddies

arrivalPoor Philip…. As soon as I opened the boxes the two monkeys were smoochin’ on the table! 

“Hellll-OOoooOO!!! HmmH!! ExCUSE me, Boo, Bev! Could ya unlock them lips for just a second? I’d like to say hello!”

They weren’t even embarrassed!


After our introductions the monkeys calmed down and sat quietly scratching themselves very discretely.

To help make Philip a little less lonely I took him onto the sunroom and let him meet all the resident birds. They all came over to Philip and crowded round to get a closer look. After much cooing and ahhing, I noticed one of my birdies making eyes at Philip!p4090067

She and Philip seemed to get along quite well! He even let her wear his cowboy hat! It was darling!p4090068

 The monkeys were getting restless so I left little Bluebird and Philip to get to know one another a little better. I started up the hot tub for those simians and BOY did they like that!lovers

I am pretty sure there was some monkey business going on below the water line!after

I swear I don’t know where Boo got that ciggie!!p4090079

Philip meanwhile went outside with me to meet the Yardbirds!p4090077

Ride ’em. CowBird!!!p4090082

Philip meets Bob #1!  Bob likes Philip!! p4090084

Boo and Bev meet Happy the-Anatomically -Correct Dog! He gave them  a bouncy ride! While they were having a grand old time I made the mistake of moving back to take their picture when I felt a “crunch”! OH, NO! I stepped on Philip’s Texas cowboy hat!!!  I felt terrible!

I remembered that there was a little black hat in the closet, left behind by some previous guest and when I presented it to Philip he put it on and OMG, he looked like the cutest little pimped-out Flamingo!

I took them all back up to the house for dinner ( bananas and assorted fruit for the monkeys, grains and seeds for Philip, hummus and whole wheat pita for me!) Philip asked to use the computer so I gladly left him to it while I kept a close eye on the lovemonkeys. When we didn’t hear from Philip after a while we all went up to check on him and here is what we found!


Yep! Flamingo porn!!! I took him away from the computer but after his talking to I came back to find the monkeys having an on line live-cam chat with someone named Spank the Monkey! p4090091

HaHAHAHAAA!!!! We all got a good laugh outa that one!!!p4090097

Good bye, my sweet Buddies!! You’ve managed to keep this crazy woman company for a day…and what a day it was!! Ciao, Buddies!! I’m glad I got to know ya!

Philip is headed to Illinois to Anne and the little Bev and Boo are headed of to play at Starla’s house ! Have fun, Ladies!!!

19 comments on “da buddies

  1. ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think I just broke a rib. R U SERIOUS…what is up with that cigarette?? Did you photoshop that in or is that like a real prop? That picture is cracking me up!! I cant’ stop laughing at Bev’s expression and her lips!

    hey that pimped out flamingo could headline with “lil-d”!

    ….I gotta go back and read slowly now ….this is funny.

    Javajunkee- You give good comment! HAHAHA!!
    I made the ciggie and then photoshopped in some details. Not great but good enough for monkeys!
    I’m glad you got a giggle!!

  2. U look so cute ..and those little animals on your shoulders just makes it even more cute.

    so do you make all that stuff? Wow! You have got some fun stuff there. I love the yard birds (wasn’t that a music group)…and Philip looks so content out playing on them.

    Javajunkee- Awww, you make me blush!

    I made everything except the Yardbirds (YES! They were a band back in “the day”!) My friend’s dad made them for me!
    Bob #1 is but one of many strange beasties I’ve made around the farm! It’s what I do.

  3. Pingback: LOL pictures are up at Trisha’s place…you gotta check it out « Just for the -ell ™ of It

  4. Flamingo porn. I have heard it all now! ROFLMAO! I love the last pic of you with the buddies too- so beautiful and nice to see you again! I cannot wait to get another buddy! xoxoxo

    Javaqueen- well wasn’t it you who started the monkey porn thing or was that 2LazyDogs? I forget..
    That picture of me almost didn’t make the cut. I’m shy… HA!!!!

  5. OMG!!!

    Horny monkeys! Flamingo porn! Monkey’s smoking cigs after fooling around in the spa!


    Mistress B.- I am SO flattered!! I made you laugh!! That makes ME happy!
    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. You are getting good at that photo stuff! I’m guessing you have been using that computer toy thing that D got you to do that?

    Birdpress- Yes, indeedy!! That Wacom tablet and Pen are awesome!! It makes editting and painting so much easier!!

  7. HTFH did you make that smoke? I’m into detail 😉

    and the hot tub??? Is that photoshopped too?? You did a great job because I can’t tell what is real and what is photoshopped.

    Javajunkee- I used Corel PaintShop Pro…not the best but it’s what came with the Wacom tablet. I am still learning how to use it so the results are pretty sad but like I said before it’s good enough for monkeys!! HA
    (secret- the hot tub is a 4 quart black anadized stock pot fill with silver foil and then I shopped in the “water” which I think looks lousy. It looks more like blue frosting than water but hey. The ciggie is just rolled up paper with Magic Marker ash. I ‘Shopped in the smoke and embers.)

    Thank you for the compliments. You shouldn’t say such nice things. It only encourages me!! LOL

  8. dude I am all over using photo programs so I LOVE it when I see somebody with some talent with it do something new or different.
    I’ve got 4 different photo programs on this computer and use each of them for different ideas I have going. Sometimes I have 3 open and bounce back and forth.

    I’ve got like photoimpression, paint.net (which I LOVE) and 2 other ones I can’t remember the name of. ..then sometimes I just open up plain old stand-by paint.

    I think you did an awesome job and I love the hot tub I think it looks good …hot tub bubbles always look different depending on the angle so I think you are right on with it…and hell if it was frosting ….come on they were looking at monkey porn …they might have put the frosting in there 😉 You did good and I can’t wait to see your next buddy and adventure.

    I’m gonna be sad when this is all done. We may have to just do it again! 😉

  9. Oh my gosh I’m a photoshop, paint, anything else hound. I run 4 photo editors on here and sometimes have like 3 of them running at the same time and bounce back and forth depending on the effect I am looking for. (don’t I sound like the little expert)…pretty soon I’m gonna be talking about MACROS (dir-ty gary) and shit! 😉

    I think you did an amazing job and hey ..you know monkeys that look up monkey porn just may very well throw frosting into their hot tub. 🙂
    I thought it looked like water but after you said frosting I started thinking about Boo and Bev and well one might never know what they will do 😉

    Javajunkee- Oh, Wise-one. I’ll teach you how to hoop dance if you’ll give me photo-editting lessons!! Deal? I’ll even throw in a handmade hoop!!

  10. My poor Philip!! I am just LMAO here!!! OMG!! Hilarious!! Flamingo porn!! Oh gawd…..I’m splitting a gut!! That cigarette damn near did me in!! What a great posting of these guys. You really outdid yourself.

    Joy- BWAAHAHAAHAAA!!!!!! You crazy flamingo had hisself a good ole time! He was flirting with Miss Bluebird and watching nasty stuff online and all kinds a shit!!!
    (I’m glad you had a laugh!)

  11. That is freaking hilarious!!!! Tooters said to tell Phillip to put that out right now.

    Love the monkey business and them looking at porn is priceless.

    I love your place, from the pics of inside and out it seems like such a fun place to live.

    SunnyMom- I KNEW she was gonna say that!! I DID!! Good girl!!!

    Thanks for the nice comments about this crazy place. You and Tooters should come by for a nice visit!! I’d love it!!

  12. We would love to if we had the money that is my only thing that keeps me from a real vacation.

    As for the monkeys I can just imagine the sounds they made I have walked into my backyard and overheard my neighbors outside making wild monkey love in the dirt. I think they were high lol. So wow the noises from real monkeys must have been wild.

    P.S. Tooters was right behind me when we caught them can you imagine the look on my face when she asked what they were doing and if they were ok!!

    SunnyMom- OK, then I’ll say a prayer that you and Tooters win the lottery and then will you come??? 🙂

    As for those neighbors… wow!! Tooters won’t have to visit the farm for a lesson in animal husbandry!!

    I can just imagine your sputtering response to her question!! Too frickin’ funny!!

  13. The cigarette photo got to me too. It’s hilarious. What is it with these buddies? They are kissing, smoochin’ getting engaged, getting married and watching porn. Is this a reflection of their owners or do they just come that way when you buy them?

    What’s up with Bob #1? He needs some serious dental work and maybe a haircut. My eyes must be getting bad. It looks like there is whipped cream in a bird bath in one of the photos.

    Well, it looks like the buddies had a rip roaring time.

    Joan- HAHAHA!!! YES! Whipped cream!! I was going for water but Hell, woman, I’m new at this photoshopping thing!!!
    Poor Bob #1… he does need dental work and a hair cut! But if he had those things he wouldn’t have all that sexy personality!!

  14. As soon as we win I am on the first plane to your place. Maybe next summer after I pay off some bills and save up. We would love to visit.

    Sunnymom- It’s a deal!!! I’ll have your room ready!!

  15. LOL I can teach you everything “I” know…which isn’t a lot.
    I was looking at making one of those hoops and then saw that something sharp was needed to cut the tube? OH NAY…the javajunkee isn’t allowed near sharp objects…or hot glue guns or anything else that she could hurt herself or somebody else with.
    Due to my threats about stabbing people with pencils and pens …I’m writing with crayons now! (they treat me horrible here at the asylum)

    JJ- LMFAO!! OK, baby, we’ll take it slooowww and I’ll do all the cutting. You can do the taping! That’s the fun part anyway! I like bright colors and silver foil tape and lots of bling on my hoops!! You’re too farking funny!

  16. HA HA HA!

    It was only a matter of time before the cute-ness turned into XXX!

    That’s great!

    Dobeman- You know me all too well, my boy..all too well!!
    😛 Glad you got a laugh!!

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