da buddies

arrivalPoor Philip…. As soon as I opened the boxes the two monkeys were smoochin’ on the table! 

“Hellll-OOoooOO!!! HmmH!! ExCUSE me, Boo, Bev! Could ya unlock them lips for just a second? I’d like to say hello!”

They weren’t even embarrassed!


After our introductions the monkeys calmed down and sat quietly scratching themselves very discretely.

To help make Philip a little less lonely I took him onto the sunroom and let him meet all the resident birds. They all came over to Philip and crowded round to get a closer look. After much cooing and ahhing, I noticed one of my birdies making eyes at Philip!p4090067

She and Philip seemed to get along quite well! He even let her wear his cowboy hat! It was darling!p4090068

 The monkeys were getting restless so I left little Bluebird and Philip to get to know one another a little better. I started up the hot tub for those simians and BOY did they like that!lovers

I am pretty sure there was some monkey business going on below the water line!after

I swear I don’t know where Boo got that ciggie!!p4090079

Philip meanwhile went outside with me to meet the Yardbirds!p4090077

Ride ’em. CowBird!!!p4090082

Philip meets Bob #1!  Bob likes Philip!! p4090084

Boo and Bev meet Happy the-Anatomically -Correct Dog! He gave them  a bouncy ride! While they were having a grand old time I made the mistake of moving back to take their picture when I felt a “crunch”! OH, NO! I stepped on Philip’s Texas cowboy hat!!!  I felt terrible!

I remembered that there was a little black hat in the closet, left behind by some previous guest and when I presented it to Philip he put it on and OMG, he looked like the cutest little pimped-out Flamingo!

I took them all back up to the house for dinner ( bananas and assorted fruit for the monkeys, grains and seeds for Philip, hummus and whole wheat pita for me!) Philip asked to use the computer so I gladly left him to it while I kept a close eye on the lovemonkeys. When we didn’t hear from Philip after a while we all went up to check on him and here is what we found!


Yep! Flamingo porn!!! I took him away from the computer but after his talking to I came back to find the monkeys having an on line live-cam chat with someone named Spank the Monkey! p4090091

HaHAHAHAAA!!!! We all got a good laugh outa that one!!!p4090097

Good bye, my sweet Buddies!! You’ve managed to keep this crazy woman company for a day…and what a day it was!! Ciao, Buddies!! I’m glad I got to know ya!

Philip is headed to Illinois to Anne and the little Bev and Boo are headed of to play at Starla’s house ! Have fun, Ladies!!!