And She’s Off

 My car is loaded and hopefully I will be too by 7 o’clock!  heheeehee

  I’m off to see my sweet D’Bear for a few days. We will be sitting on the porch in the evenings if any of you would like to share a bottle of good red wine with us. Stop by, sit a while, enjoy making catty and snarky remarks about the little soccer moms and cutesy girls and boys who frequently “jog” past on the sidewalks.  We’ll bring out some yummy cheese if you come visit. I’m partial to brie but D’Bear enjoys sharp Cheddars and smoked Gouda. There’s fruit and nuts (some of the nuts are human, some not so much. Come to think of it, so are some of the fruits!) We’re an equal opportunity porch!

  I’m hoping to get to Uncle Mo’s for some soul food this weekend. I’m jonesing for some more of those collard greens and ribs! MMMmmmmm….

  Have a great weekend, all!

9 comments on “And She’s Off

  1. I’ll tell you, if you weren’t so far away I’d be there. I can only eat “Laughing Cow” cheese at 1 point per wedge. I also don’t drink wine (wine headache). I drink diet coke and Bicardi at 2 points a piece. I can eat fruit though.

    But I would love “making catty and snarky remarks about the little soccer moms and cutesy girls and boys who frequently “jog” past on the sidewalks”. That’s my idea of a good time. Of course I would have them all on You Tube within hours.

    I hope you have a marvelous time.

    joan- when you decide to take a break ( and I’m not suggesting anything, I’m just sayin’) you be sure and let me know, girl, ’cause we be par-taying!!!
    I love the YouTube idea!

  2. That sounds lovely. And if there’s one thing i enjoy, it’s goofing on soccer moms.

    i’ll be there in spirit…

    Have fun.

    c- I feeeeel your spirit!!! I’ll goof one soccer mom in your name. How’s that sound? hehehe

  3. Say hello to Mr. D’Bear for me! And drive safely. Don’t drink too much either. 😛

    birdpress- D’Bear sends a “hello” right back at ya!! ( and you Know I’ll behave!) not

  4. An equal opportunity porch. That’s gold. 🙂

    Enjoy your getaway, drive safely and ignore the don’t drink too much. Birdpress is a killjoy. 😉

    anja- I’m here safely, enjoying my man and while I do my own thing, I know birdpress is speaking from experience! I AM being good. Just ask Mr. D’Bear how good I am!

  5. Sounds snarkalicious babes. Count me in fo sho!

    Are we allowed to trip the soccer mom’s?

    JQ- of COURSE we can trip ’em, sugah babe! What fun would it be if we didn’t ? I always pretend that I accidently pulled the hose across the sidewalk unknowingly! 😉
    Glad you’re on board with this!

  6. I think everyone in the south has a relative named Mo. Mine was short for Maurine. I think she was my great aunt or some such connection. All I know for sure is that she was old as dirt and could cook like nobodies business.

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