If I Don’t Wanna Get Screwed I Better Get an Attorney, I Guess


      Ok, I can’t sleep ’cause all I see when I close my eyes is my damn he-better-soon-be-an-ex-husband standing in my kitchen with this smarmy look on his face as he hands me his “proposal”.  The one where he gets to keep, like 7/8th of everything and he pretends like he’s giving it to me when, in every rightful sense of the word, IT IS HALF MINE!

 I was hoping (duh, I was stupid) that this wouldn’t go this way but fat-ass has always been secretive about his finances. In 30-odd years of marriage I never really knew how much money he made . Seriously.   He, no, WE own a service business and he’s run so much cash he probably doesn’t know either! I felt like I was in the movie “Married to the Mob” when Michelle Pfeiffer asked her mob-hubby for some spending money. He said ‘How much do you need, Baby?” and she held up her hand with her thumb and fingers about 2 inches apart and said “This much”. 

I’m not greedy. I worked just as hard as he did to make us successful.  I only want half. Is that so bad?
