facts about 55 year-old women

birthday-candlesI’m in great company!

Condoleezza Rice was born in 1954 as was Oprah Winfrey. Also born in 1954 :

Ellen Barkin  (we share April 16th as our birthday!), Lorraine Bracco , Christie Brinkley, Lesley-Anne Down, Catherine O’Hara, Rene Russo,Kathleen Turner, and Annie Lennox.

Women 55 years-old and older constitute the largest number of new members on Facebook! According to Facebook the  ”  Fastest growing segment: Women over 55, up 175.3% in the last 120 days.”

This movie was made the same year I was born- 55 YEARS AGO! I especially love the alien woman “NAYA”. She sounds so much like Katherine Hepburn. “You speak unwisely.” Check out her bodyguard robot with flowerpot arms!!! What a great old movie!

According to The Hindu News Service: “

55-year-old New Zealand woman claims Cook Strait record

WELLINGTON (Xinhua): A 55-year-old woman from New Zealand North Island resort of Rotorua has swum Cook Strait in nine hours 23 minutes, becoming the oldest person to do so. Pam Dickson, 55, completed the swim on Friday on her first attempt, despite suffering hypothermia on the last leg and swimming in a circle for the final 800 meters because she was so cold and disoriented. She said the water temperature was 18 degrees when she began the swim, but it then dropped to 16 degrees in the final 4 km. She swam the distance of 26 km from north to south. Dickson, a massage therapist and grandmother of nine, said she’ s jumping with joy at her feat, but will probably not rest for too long. She has competed in many Ironman races and marathons and is considering doing the Rotorua marathon in May.

I don’t feel old. It feels like every other day, as a matter of fact. I’m just happy to feel anything these days!!!  I kinda like where I am today, April 16th, 2009.

16 comments on “facts about 55 year-old women


    Honestly, I meant to get you a card, but…(I’m grasping for a REALLY good excuse).

    …oh well, don’t have one!

    I should have a glass of wine to celebrate but I already took a 1/2 of a muscle relaxer! And you never know when you might have to drive someone to the Dr. in the middle of the night.

    HA HA HA!

    Dobeman- HAHA!Thanks. Don’t worry about it. I hope you feel better when the sun comes up.

  2. I don’t feel old either, mentally at least. For a long while my body didn’t feel so old either, in spite of back troubles and varicose veins, but lately, my mind and heart are about 27 while my body has really slowed down and feels like 85. I’m 56 1/2.

    River- It’s the cruelest of jokes, isn’t it? I hear ya!! HAHA..you sound like a 5-year-old!! 56 1/2!!! *holds up all her fingers..and toes* That’s cute!

  3. I hope there was some mega enjoyable moments on your birthday.

    Many hugs being cyber sent to you. 🙂

    Anja- Thank you! There were….moments.
    I appreciate hugs..cyber or otherwise!

  4. Happy Birthday!

    You are one of the most vivacious, smart, funny and wonderful women i’ve ever encountered in cyberlandia or the physical. Your ways are admirable and an inspiration.

    You rawk 55!

    c.-oh, baby! You sure know how to wish a gal a happy birthday!! I’m stunned! Really?? Thankyou! Thankyou !Thankyou!

  5. You don’t feel old cos you ain’t!
    Age is a state of mind, a number, that’s all.
    We are what we want to be, nothing more and nothing less….if people worried less about their age and enjoyed more of their life, that too would stay as young as you are….
    55? Jesus women, you don’t look a day over 25…
    I hope your day was brilliant, full of sunshine and smiles and that you had the best sex you’re ever had in your life….
    Sorry I’m late with this, I feel really bad about it, but life is madness…on the positive side of that, it keeps me young!

  6. Happy Birthday and big hugs from Tooters and I. Age is just a number it is how you feel and act that really counts. I am in my 30’s and dont feel a day of it.

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